The initials C. A. are written on a number of the books in the British Jesuit Archives Antiquarian Book collection. Usually, they are on the title page. We think they show ownership of the College of the Holy Apostles, which was often abbreviated to C. Ap. or similar, and think that a further abbreviation to C.A. is likely. Below are four examples of this type of inscription. The 3rd and 4th books listed below also contain some evidence which links them to the College of the Holy Apostles, but the majority of the books with C. A. inscriptions do not have other visible links with the College.
A/69 C A is inscribed at the top of the title page. Other provenance marks are for the Jesuits at 114 Mount Street, London, and a stamp for the Jesuits in London. Both of these are likely to post-date the C A inscription, suggesting that the inscription is from the first half of the nineteenth century or earlier.
Book reference:
Baile Guillaume SJ, Controversiarum catechismus, seu epitome, complectens controversias religionem spectantes 124. Printed in Cologne by Johannes Kinckius. 1627. A/69
A/264 C A is inscribed on the title page, on either side of the printers' device.
Book reference:
Harpsfield, Nicholas, Dialogi sex contra summi pontificatus monasticae vitae, sanctorum, sacrarum imaginum oppugna-tores, et pseudomartyres: In quibus praeterquam quod nonnulla, quae alii hactenus vel attigerunt leuiter, vel penitus omiserunt, paullo uberius & plenius explicatur; Centurionum etia[m] Magdeburgensiu[m], auctorum Apo-logiae Anglicanae, pseudomartyrologorum nostri temporis, ma-xime vero Ioannis Foxi, & aliorum, qui adulterino Euangelio nomina dederunt, variae fraudes, putidae calumniae, & insignia in historiis Ecclesiae contaminandis mendacia deterguntur: Nunc primum ad Dei Optimi Maximi gloriam, & Catholice religio-nis confirmationem ab Alano Copo Anglo editi. Printed in Cologne by Christopher Plantin. 1566. A/264
A/356 C A is inscribed at the top of the title page of this book. Another inscription is for a member of the Petre family. The College of the Holy Apostles was founded in around 1633 by Robert, 3rd Lord Petre, and the family continued to have close links with the College. This inscription could be for the 5th Lord Petre who's name was John, or another member of the family with the same name.
Book reference:
Martyrologium romanum ad novam kalendarii rationem, et ecclesiasticæ historiæ veritatem restitutum, Gregorii XIII. Pont. Max. iussu editum : Accesserunt notationes atque tractatio de Martyrologio romano. Printed in Paris by Michel Sonnius. 1607. A/356
A/1098 The title page of this book has an inscription of C. A., and one which reads Col. Ap. the usual short form of the College of the Holy Apostles used in books. This is the only book which we have found so far that has both C.A. and a definite provenance mark for the College. Like A/69 (see above), A/1098 also has marks which link it to the Jesuits in London and to Mount Street in particular.
Book reference:
More, Henry SJ, Vita et doctrina Christi Domini : notationibus, quae quotidianam divina meditantibus materiam suggerere possunt, explicata : iuxta quatuor partes anni ecclesiastici in capita distributa / per Henricum Morum. Printed in Antwerp by Jacobus Meursius. 1649. A/1098