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Bookplates for individuals
Below is a selection of bookplates, book labels and embossings found in the Jesuit Antiquarian Book Collection. With very few exceptions, these were for non-Jesuits. This is explained by the Jesuit rule of poverty, by which individuals do not own possessions. Jesuits were far more likely to mark ownership of books with an institutional bookplate or an inscription. The presence of bookplates for individuals such as those featured below tells us that the books which contain them have not always been in Jesuit ownership.
Click on any of the images below to find out more.

Sergej Alexandrowitsch Sobolewski (1803-1870) A/656
Sobolewski was a nineteenth century Russian bibliophile. Another version of this bookplate in the same book is very similar, but the two birds have their wings uplifted instead of down, as here. Another book also has one of Sobolewski's bookplates - A/767.
Book reference:
Jesuits, Nvovi avisi dell' indie di Portogallo, Venuti nuouamente dalli R. Padri della compagnia de Giesv, & tradotti dal la lingua Spagnola nella Italiana. Quarta parte. Printed in Venice by Michele Tramezzino. 1565. A/656,
Book reference:
Jesuits, Nvovi avisi dell' indie di Portogallo, Venuti nuouamente dalli R. Padri della compagnia de Giesv, & tradotti dal la lingua Spagnola nella Italiana. Quarta parte. Printed in Venice by Michele Tramezzino. 1565. A/656,

Thomas Philips (1708-1774) A/755
Phillips was educated at St Omers and joined the Society of Jesus, entering the Novitiate at Watten in 1726. He then studied at the English College at Liege, but withdrew from the Society in 1733. He went to Rome, spent time at the Venerable English College and had Charles James Stuart as patron. Subsequently he acted as chaplain to various aristocratic Catholic families between 1739 and 1765. He then returned to Liege, was readmitted to the Society of Jesus in 1768 and died in 1774.
Phillips' bookplate is in the Jacobean style, popular between 1700 and 1745. It is notable that it was printed at Liege, a centre of Catholic activity and a base for many English Catholics in exile.
Book reference:
Jesuits, Litterae apostolicae, quibus institutio, confirmatio. Et varia Privilegia continentur Societatis Iesu. Printed in Rome. 1612. A/755.
Phillips' bookplate is in the Jacobean style, popular between 1700 and 1745. It is notable that it was printed at Liege, a centre of Catholic activity and a base for many English Catholics in exile.
Book reference:
Jesuits, Litterae apostolicae, quibus institutio, confirmatio. Et varia Privilegia continentur Societatis Iesu. Printed in Rome. 1612. A/755.

Alexander Meyrick Broadley (1847-1916) A/1014
Broadley was a barrister, author, company promoter and social figure. He was based variously in India, Egypt, Brussels and lived through a succession of scandals. At the end of his life he settled at The Knapp in Bradpole, Dorset and occupied himself with historical and bibliographical pursuits.
Broadley's house, The Knapp, is engraved into the corners of this bookplate, as well as the date 1895, presumably when this bookplate was commissioned but not necessarily when it was stuck into this book.
Book reference:
The life and times of Captain William Bedloe, one of the chief discoverers of the horrid Popish plot. Printed in London by George Larkin and Enoch Prosser. 1681. A/1014
Broadley's house, The Knapp, is engraved into the corners of this bookplate, as well as the date 1895, presumably when this bookplate was commissioned but not necessarily when it was stuck into this book.
Book reference:
The life and times of Captain William Bedloe, one of the chief discoverers of the horrid Popish plot. Printed in London by George Larkin and Enoch Prosser. 1681. A/1014

Leather bookplate for Mark Masterman-Sykes (1771-1823) A/1014
Mark Masterman-Sykes was High Sheriff of Yorkshire and MP for the City of York 1807-1820.
He was well known as a bibliophile and book collector.
Book reference:
The life and times of Captain William Bedloe, one of the chief discoverers of the horrid Popish plot. Printed in London by George Larkin and Enoch Prosser. 1681. A/1014
He was well known as a bibliophile and book collector.
Book reference:
The life and times of Captain William Bedloe, one of the chief discoverers of the horrid Popish plot. Printed in London by George Larkin and Enoch Prosser. 1681. A/1014

The Right Honble. The Lord Bracco (1697-1763) A/991
An armorial bookplate in a sparse Jacobean style, which was popular c.1700-1745, for The Right Honble. The Lord Bracco. This was probably Earl William Duff of Fife 1697-1763.
Book reference:
Monpersan, Louis de, La Politique des Jesuites. Printed in Cologne by 'Pierre Marteau'. 1692. A/991
Book reference:
Monpersan, Louis de, La Politique des Jesuites. Printed in Cologne by 'Pierre Marteau'. 1692. A/991

A. W. Moore (1853-1909) A/19
Bookplate for Arthur William Moore of Cronkbourne, Isle of Man. Moore was a local polititian, and was elected speaker of the House of Keys in 1898. He particularly promoted Manx culture and language and folklore. He was also a sportsman and founded and bankrolled the Cronkbourne cricket club. He was appointed JP in 1877. He was a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and founded the Manx Language Society.
This book also contains an inscription for his great uncle Edward Moore and an embossed emblem for his uncle Joseph Christian Moore, the Archdeacon of Man dated 1844.
Book reference:
Secreta Monita Societatis Jesu. Printed in London by John Walthoe. 1723. A/19
This book also contains an inscription for his great uncle Edward Moore and an embossed emblem for his uncle Joseph Christian Moore, the Archdeacon of Man dated 1844.
Book reference:
Secreta Monita Societatis Jesu. Printed in London by John Walthoe. 1723. A/19

Embossed ownership mark for Joseph Christian Moore (1802-1886) A/19
Joseph Christian Moore was a member of an industrial family on the Isle of Man who made their fortune making sailcloth. In 1823 he went to Oxford University and was ordained into the Church of England shortly after. In 1842 he became Archdeacon of Man. This embossed mark is dated 1844 and gives his title as Archdeacon of Man. Although the embosser may well have been commissioned in 1844, the book may have been embossed later.
Book reference:
Secreta Monita Societatis Jesu. Printed in London by John Walthoe. 1723. A/19
Book reference:
Secreta Monita Societatis Jesu. Printed in London by John Walthoe. 1723. A/19

Henry Davies A/1017
This book label is for Henry Davies, who we have not been able to identify. Any suggestions will be gratefully received, please use the contact form at the foot of each page to get in touch.
Book reference:
Leycester, Common-wealth conceived. 1641. A/1017
Book reference:
Leycester, Common-wealth conceived. 1641. A/1017

Sir William Jerningham Baronet, Cossey. (1736-1809) A/976
The Jerningham family were Catholic recusants based in Norfolk. They lived at Costessy near Norwich, also spelled Cossey. William Jerningham was the 6th baronet. His bookplate is of spade shield design, popular between about 1770 and 1810.
The same volume has an inscription for William Cooke, baronet. See the individuals inscriptions page for more.
Book reference:
[Godefroy, Jacques], Second tome du Mercure Iesuite, auquel sont contenues plusiers pieces touchant … Printed in Geneva by Pierre Aubert. 1630. A/976
The same volume has an inscription for William Cooke, baronet. See the individuals inscriptions page for more.
Book reference:
[Godefroy, Jacques], Second tome du Mercure Iesuite, auquel sont contenues plusiers pieces touchant … Printed in Geneva by Pierre Aubert. 1630. A/976

Joseph Tasker A/950
Bookplate from the first half of the nineteenth century for Joseph Tasker of Middleton Hall. The image of a hedgehog is presumably from Tasker's coat of arms.
Tasker's library was sold off in two sales of 1862 and 1868.
Book reference:
Woodhead, Abraham, Motives to Holy Living. Printed in Oxford. 1688. A/950
Tasker's library was sold off in two sales of 1862 and 1868.
Book reference:
Woodhead, Abraham, Motives to Holy Living. Printed in Oxford. 1688. A/950

Henry de Romestin, priest A/H/15
This booklabel reads:
'Liber Henrici de Romestin Presbyteri'
We have not been able to identify Henry de Romestin. His bookplate is in three of our books.
Book reference:
C. C. a Lapide, Commentario in Solomonis Proverbiae. 1659. A/H/15
The other two books with his booklabel are:
C. C. a Lapide, Commentario in Pentateuchum. 1659 A/H/14
C. C. a Lapide, C. C. a Lapide, 1676. A/H/21
'Liber Henrici de Romestin Presbyteri'
We have not been able to identify Henry de Romestin. His bookplate is in three of our books.
Book reference:
C. C. a Lapide, Commentario in Solomonis Proverbiae. 1659. A/H/15
The other two books with his booklabel are:
C. C. a Lapide, Commentario in Pentateuchum. 1659 A/H/14
C. C. a Lapide, C. C. a Lapide, 1676. A/H/21

Harry Campbell
[More to come]
Four of our books have Bookplates for the Rev Harry Campbell.
This one:
Walsh, Peter, Four Letters on several subjects, to persons of quality. The fourth being an answer to the Lord Bishop of Lincoln's book, entitled Popery, &c., 1686. A/1212
Virgillio Cepari, Ristretto della Vita del Beato Padre Francesco Borgiae, 1625, A/H/6
Emmanuele de Azevedo SJ, Vetus Missale Romanum Monasticum Lateranense. 1754. A/H/40
Jesuits Annual Letters 1583.
Four of our books have Bookplates for the Rev Harry Campbell.
This one:
Walsh, Peter, Four Letters on several subjects, to persons of quality. The fourth being an answer to the Lord Bishop of Lincoln's book, entitled Popery, &c., 1686. A/1212
Virgillio Cepari, Ristretto della Vita del Beato Padre Francesco Borgiae, 1625, A/H/6
Emmanuele de Azevedo SJ, Vetus Missale Romanum Monasticum Lateranense. 1754. A/H/40
Jesuits Annual Letters 1583.

Henry Philip Dodd
Henry Philip Dodd was a church of England clergyman. He had studied at Oxford, and in 1854 took a grand tour through Europe. Click on the link below for more on his travels.
Book reference:
Ussher, James, An Answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the noveltie of the now Romism doctrine plainely discovered. Printed in London by R.Y. 1631. A/1203
Book reference:
Ussher, James, An Answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the noveltie of the now Romism doctrine plainely discovered. Printed in London by R.Y. 1631. A/1203

Randal Lythgoe SJ A/32
Randal Lythgoe was one of the few Jesuits to use a personal bookplate. He was Provincial from 1842-1849 and oversaw momentous change in the province, including instigating the move to Mount Street in Mayfair.
Many of the books in the collection have a Lythgoe bookplate but most have had institutional ones (usually for 114 Mount Street) glued on top. He had at least two different designs of bookplate, this one with no border and one with a printed border of wavy lines and dots. Some are printed on blue paper.
The large library shelfmark which has been struck through is associated with the early years after the Jesuits' move to Mount Street.
Lythgoe's personal library appears to have been given to the community.
Book reference:
[Allen, William, Cardinal], An Apologie and true Declaration of the Institution and endevours of the two English Colleges, the one in Rome, the other now resident in Rhemes: against certaine sinister informations given up against the same. Printed at [Reims] by [Jean de Foigny]. 1581. A/32
Many of the books in the collection have a Lythgoe bookplate but most have had institutional ones (usually for 114 Mount Street) glued on top. He had at least two different designs of bookplate, this one with no border and one with a printed border of wavy lines and dots. Some are printed on blue paper.
The large library shelfmark which has been struck through is associated with the early years after the Jesuits' move to Mount Street.
Lythgoe's personal library appears to have been given to the community.
Book reference:
[Allen, William, Cardinal], An Apologie and true Declaration of the Institution and endevours of the two English Colleges, the one in Rome, the other now resident in Rhemes: against certaine sinister informations given up against the same. Printed at [Reims] by [Jean de Foigny]. 1581. A/32

Camille du Grassis A/291
Armorial bookplate for Count Camilli du Grassis.
Book reference:
Fuligatti, Giacomo, Vita del Cardinale Roberto Bellarmino della Compagnia de Giesv. Printed in Milan at the Stampatori Archiepiscopali. 1624. A/291
Book reference:
Fuligatti, Giacomo, Vita del Cardinale Roberto Bellarmino della Compagnia de Giesv. Printed in Milan at the Stampatori Archiepiscopali. 1624. A/291

Joannis Baptistae Oneto A/380
We have been unable to identify this individual.
Book reference:
Pole, Reginald, Reginaldi Poli Cardinalis Britanni, Ad Henricu[m] Octauum Britanniæ Regem, pro ecclesiasticæ unitatis defensione, libri quatuor. Printed in Rome by Antonio Blado. 1538. A/380
Book reference:
Pole, Reginald, Reginaldi Poli Cardinalis Britanni, Ad Henricu[m] Octauum Britanniæ Regem, pro ecclesiasticæ unitatis defensione, libri quatuor. Printed in Rome by Antonio Blado. 1538. A/380

George Stokes
We have been unable to identify this individual.
Book reference:
Harding, Thomas, A reioindre to M. Iewels replie: By perusing wherof the discrete and diligent reader may easily see, the answer to parte of his insolent chalenge iustified, and his obiections against the Masse, whereat the priest sometime receiueth the holy mysteries without present companie to receiue with him, for that cause by Luthers schoole called priuate Masse, clearely confuted. Printed in Antwerp by Ioannis Fouleri. 1566. A/621
Book reference:
Harding, Thomas, A reioindre to M. Iewels replie: By perusing wherof the discrete and diligent reader may easily see, the answer to parte of his insolent chalenge iustified, and his obiections against the Masse, whereat the priest sometime receiueth the holy mysteries without present companie to receiue with him, for that cause by Luthers schoole called priuate Masse, clearely confuted. Printed in Antwerp by Ioannis Fouleri. 1566. A/621

W. H. Thompson A/622
We have been unable to identify W H Thompson
Book reference:
Hasenmüller, Elias, Historia Iesuitici Ordinis, in qua de Societatis Iesuitarum autore, nomine, gradibus, incremento, vita, votis, priuilegijs, miraculis, doctrina, morte, perspicuè solideq[ue] tractatur. Printed in Franfurt by Johannes Spies. 1593. A/622
Book reference:
Hasenmüller, Elias, Historia Iesuitici Ordinis, in qua de Societatis Iesuitarum autore, nomine, gradibus, incremento, vita, votis, priuilegijs, miraculis, doctrina, morte, perspicuè solideq[ue] tractatur. Printed in Franfurt by Johannes Spies. 1593. A/622

Randolph Greenway of Thavies Inn, London and of Chertsey in Surrey Gent.
This armorial bookplate in the Chippendale style is for Randolph Greenway who was registered in residence at Thavies Inn in 1731.
Book reference:
Ignatius, St, Exercitia Spiritvalia S. Ignatii Loyolae Societatis Iesv Fundatoris. Cum Breui instructione meditandi ex ipsismet exercitijs deprompta. Et Breue sanctissimi D.N. Alexandri VII. De indulgentia plenaria pro ijs, qui exercentur. Printed in Rome by Varese. 1663. A/646
Book reference:
Ignatius, St, Exercitia Spiritvalia S. Ignatii Loyolae Societatis Iesv Fundatoris. Cum Breui instructione meditandi ex ipsismet exercitijs deprompta. Et Breue sanctissimi D.N. Alexandri VII. De indulgentia plenaria pro ijs, qui exercentur. Printed in Rome by Varese. 1663. A/646

Hon. George Frederick Boyle (1825-1890) A/671
Boyle inherited the Earldom of Glasgow on the death of his half brother in 1869, so this bookplate was designed before that date.
Book reference:
Jesuits. Ratio atqve institvtio stvdiorvm Societatis Iesv avctoritate septimae congregationis generalis aucta. Printed in Antwerp by Johannes Meursius. 1616. A/671
Book reference:
Jesuits. Ratio atqve institvtio stvdiorvm Societatis Iesv avctoritate septimae congregationis generalis aucta. Printed in Antwerp by Johannes Meursius. 1616. A/671

Armorial bookplate and motto of a member of the Belasys family. A/673
More heraldic work is needed to identify this bookplate's owner.
Book reference:
Kellison, Matthew, A treatise of the hierarchie and divers orders of the chvrch against the anarchie of Calvin. Printed in Douai by Gerard Pinchon. 1629. A/673
Book reference:
Kellison, Matthew, A treatise of the hierarchie and divers orders of the chvrch against the anarchie of Calvin. Printed in Douai by Gerard Pinchon. 1629. A/673

Giuseppe Garampi (1725-1792) A/786
A book label with a simple border of type ornaments. It reads 'Ex bibliotheca Josephi Garampii'
Garampi was an Italian nobleman who worked as archivist for the Vatican Archives 1751-1772. He was a noted bibliophile.
Book reference:
Tachard, Guy SJ, Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites, envoyez par le roy aux Indes & a la Chine, avec leurs observations astronomiques, et leurs remarques de physique, de geographie, d'hydrographie & d'histoire. Printed in Paris by Arnould Seneuze and Daniel Horthemels. 1686. A/786
Garampi was an Italian nobleman who worked as archivist for the Vatican Archives 1751-1772. He was a noted bibliophile.
Book reference:
Tachard, Guy SJ, Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites, envoyez par le roy aux Indes & a la Chine, avec leurs observations astronomiques, et leurs remarques de physique, de geographie, d'hydrographie & d'histoire. Printed in Paris by Arnould Seneuze and Daniel Horthemels. 1686. A/786

Bookplate for Charles Weld. A/366
Armorial bookplates of the die-sinker type were common in the early and mid nineteenth century. Charles Weld was the grandson of Thomas Weld who made Stonyhurst available to the Jesuits in the 1790s. In 1802 he bought the Chideock estate in Dorset for his son Humphrey, father of Charles.
Book reference:
Nadal, Jerome, Evangelicae historiae imagines ex ordine evangeliorum : quae toto anno in missae sacrificio recitantur in ordinem temporis vitae Christi digestae. Bound together with Adnotationes et meditationes in Euangelia quae in sacrosancto Missae sacrificio toto anno leguntur : cum Euangeliorum concordantia historiae integritati sufficienti ; accessit & index historiam ipsam Euangelicam in ordinem temporis vitae Christi distribuens. Printed in Antwerp in 1593 and 1595. A/366
Book reference:
Nadal, Jerome, Evangelicae historiae imagines ex ordine evangeliorum : quae toto anno in missae sacrificio recitantur in ordinem temporis vitae Christi digestae. Bound together with Adnotationes et meditationes in Euangelia quae in sacrosancto Missae sacrificio toto anno leguntur : cum Euangeliorum concordantia historiae integritati sufficienti ; accessit & index historiam ipsam Euangelicam in ordinem temporis vitae Christi distribuens. Printed in Antwerp in 1593 and 1595. A/366

Fr James Hussey (d.1810) A/417
A circular book label for Fr James Hussey who served the Catholic community in Shepton Mallet from 1797 until his death in 1810. Shepton Mallet had a previous association with the Jesuits - from 1765-1797 its first missioner had been Fr John Brewer SJ. A number of his books were later recorded at Mount St Mary's College, though it is not known how they got there.
Book ref:
Appian of Alexandria, The history of Appian of Alexandria : in two parts : the first consisting of the Punick, Syrian, Parthian, Mithridatick, Illyrian, Spanish, & Hannibalick wars, the second containing five books of the civil wars of Rome Made English by J.D. [i.e. John Davies]. Printed in London for John Amery. 1679. A/417
Book ref:
Appian of Alexandria, The history of Appian of Alexandria : in two parts : the first consisting of the Punick, Syrian, Parthian, Mithridatick, Illyrian, Spanish, & Hannibalick wars, the second containing five books of the civil wars of Rome Made English by J.D. [i.e. John Davies]. Printed in London for John Amery. 1679. A/417

Edmund Waterton (1830-1887)
A member of a prominent Catholic family, Waterton, like his father Charles, was a keen naturalist. He was also an enthusiastic collector, and parts of his collections are in the Victoria and Albert, the British Museum and at Stonyhurst College, where he himself had been educated. He grew up at Walton Hall, but had to sell it after being declared bankrupt in 1876.
Book reference:
Castlemaine, Roger Palmer. The Catholique apology with a reply to the answer : together with a clear refutation of the Seasonable discourse, its Reasonable defence, & Dr. Du Moulins Answer to Philanax, as also Dr. Stillingfleet's last gun-powder treason sermon, his attaque about the treaty of Munster, & all matter of fact charg'd on the English Catholiques by their enemies. 1674. A/871
Book reference:
Castlemaine, Roger Palmer. The Catholique apology with a reply to the answer : together with a clear refutation of the Seasonable discourse, its Reasonable defence, & Dr. Du Moulins Answer to Philanax, as also Dr. Stillingfleet's last gun-powder treason sermon, his attaque about the treaty of Munster, & all matter of fact charg'd on the English Catholiques by their enemies. 1674. A/871
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